A Geezers Tale
Posted by
on April 15, 2023
1 min read
tales, dotage
Wondrous slowly talking creature
with both teeth and marbles falling
How you talk of times and places
with such inconsistency one can only stare
Still the stream continues unhinged
did you truly hear god calling?
It sometimes seems a bit far fetched
but it all happens so the creature swear
It was at the Somme, it was at Leningrad
wait did you just say Waterloo?
How it once met Chaplin, or was it Hitler
oh the years erase petty detail
Yet strongly it holds that it met the King
yes of course the president too
Still the stories told, the stories given
they leave behind a trail
For do we not fear a boring story
so painfully mundane it feels a waste
It lived a mortal life with advice to give
still no one lives a fairy tale
So as the tales are told, once or twice
a little sugar is added for the taste
A wide-eyed child might eat it all up
just make sure it doesn’t go stale