Poor Sarah
Posted by
on April 25, 2023
1 min read
oh poor sarah, oh Darling my rose
i beg of you, just hear me out
i never lie, don’t look at my nose
tis just a hiccup, a roundabout
my precious doe, please don’t cry
that floozy woman, a devil i swear
she tried to kiss me, i don’t know why!
she hid my clothes, i don’t know where?
peculiar i know, how this woman got here
she’s a weirdo i know, possible a sex offender
on the way out she fell, right on my dick dear!
my balls got a bruise, their awfully tender
oh honey pie, fret not she will be gone
why you know i have to take her home
I’ll just drop her off, it won’t be long
a clumsy dame won’t make it on her own
oh peach i return, only 20 minutes late
just a small delay, i’m sure you understand
i got stuck behind that floozy womans gate
but sweetie is that a pistol in your hand?
I swear it’s the last excuse i ever sang
come on tootsie put the handgun on the floor
oh Sarah please i beg you, don’t..
with a flash she is poor Sarah no more